
Enamel paint for bathroom and tile TILE PAINT (base D) 2.5 l
Enamel paint for bathroom and tile TILE PAINT (base D) 2.5 l
Enamel paint for bathroom and tile TILE PAINT (base D) 2.5 l
# 07-XП2-25

Enamel paint for bathroom and tile TILE PAINT (base D) 2.5 l

Paint for bathroom and tile

Paint for bathroom and tile

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Product is in stock
Price 91.00o
Delivery time: 3-5 working days
  • Special paint for tiles. The surface does not need to be primed first. It is characterized by strong adhesion, resistance to scratches and detergents.
  • An infinite number of colors are available in the Chromodomi catalog.
  • Packing: 2.5 liters.
  • Consumption of 1 liter per coat : 12-14 sq/m.
  • How to thin: up to 10% Nitro Thinner.
  • Surface preparation:

To ensure proper adhesion of the product, the surface must be clean, dry, and free from defects such as adhering materials, dust, grease, oil, rust, moss, steam, etc.

  • Mix well and apply in 2 layers.
  • Application conditions:

Do not use (do not apply) at temperatures below 6° C and above 40° C and relative humidity above 80%. Adverse conditions use may change quality characteristics product .

  • Application tools: Brush; Roller

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