
ნიტრო გამხსნელი Master Sell Tiner 0,5 lt.
ნიტრო გამხსნელი Master Sell Tiner 0,5 lt.
ნიტრო გამხსნელი Master Sell Tiner 0,5 lt.
# ram-005

ნიტრო გამხსნელი Master Sell Tiner 0,5 lt.

Colorless, transparent paint with strong solvents

Colorless, transparent paint with strong solvents

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Product is in stock
Price 10.00o
Delivery time: 3-5 working days

colorless, transparent  solvent, expressed through specific smell; cellulose-based, fast and Hammerton paints provide smooth surface. Strongly Flammable and flammable.

Chemical composition: mixture of aromatic hydrocarbon, alcohol, ketone, ether and ester  

Density (g/ ml): 0.83 – 0.84

Distillation Range (°C): 75 - 145

Flammability class (°C): < 21

These indicators are given for + 23 ± 2 ºC and relative humidity conditions of 50 ± 5%.

Surface Preparation : surface preparation is necessary before product use


Cellulose solvent Master is mixed with Hamerton's cellulose paint, primer or varnish in proper Lac with proportions with the use of a brush, roller or spray

Consumption: see Technical data of the product .

Storage period:

The product can be stored in closed original packaging at a temperature of 5-35 °C out of direct sunlight for up to 2 years. Must be protected from excessive moisture and heat.

Safety :

  • Solvent must to be kept away from flammable sources.
  • It is not allowed to smoke near it .
  • No solvent packaging should to be kept open for a long time
  • Apply it in well-ventilated areas
  • Paint solvent and varnish ratio It should be considered.
  • For more health and safety information, see the Safety Guide.

  "Very easily Flammable liquid"

Warning :

R11: Verycombustible. R 20/21/22: dangerous if swallowed or contacted with skin.

Safety Conditions:

S 2: Keep out of the reach of children.

S 3 / 7 / 9: Store in cool and well-ventilated place and tightly closed in container.

S 16: Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking!

S 24 / 25: Avoid contact with skin and eyes.

S 29: Don’t flush into the drain.

S 46: If swallowed, seek immediate medical attention and show packaging or label of the material.

S 51: Work only in well-ventilated areas

to dilute primers, varnishes and the top coat cellulose paints and to clean tools.

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