
ISOVER Vent Optimal
ISOVER Vent Optimal
ISOVER Vent Optimal
# 999016

ISOVER Vent Optimal

 ISOVER Venti Optimal is a basalt-based mineral thermal insulation. The material is made ofnatural components of volcanic rocks of basalt group.... See more


ISOVER Venti Optimal is a basalt-based mineral thermal insulation. The material is made of

natural components of volcanic rocks of basalt group.


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Price 50.00o
Delivery time: 3-5 working days

Indicator Size Unit Value Method of


Thermal conductivity at temperature

(283±2)K (10±2) 0C, λ10, not more


0,035 ГОСТ 31925

Thermal conductivity at temperature

(283±2)K (10±2) 0С, λ25, not more


0,037 ГОСТ 31925

Estimated thermal conductivity in

operating conditions A, λA, not more

W/(m-K) 0,038 ГОСТ Р 54855

Calculated thermal conductivity in

operating conditions B, λB, not more


0,039 ГОСТ Р 54855

Compressive strength at 10% relative

deformation, not more than


10 ГОСТ EN 826

Tensile strength perpendicular to the

surface, not less than


3 ГОСТ ЕN 1607

Organic matter content, not more

than % by weight  4 ГОСТ 31430

Humidity, not more than % by weight  0,5 ГОСТ 17177

Sorption moisture absorption for 24

hours, not more than

% by weight 

1 ГОСТ 17177

Vapor permeability mg/m-h-Pa 0,3 ГОСТ 25898-83

Water absorption at short-term and

partial immersion, not more than kg/m2 1 ГОСТ ЕN 1609

Flammability group - non-combustible


ГОСТ 30244

Density kg/m3 65-85

- External layer of two-layer thermal insulation of ventilated facades with ventilation openings.

- Thermal insulation layer of ventilated facades with ventilation openings, in single-layer thermal


As cladding of fire protection boxes in ventilated facades with ventilation openings:

1. Bearing or self-supporting wall (foundation)

2. Lower thermal insulation layer

3. Upper thermal insulation layer ISOVER Vent Optimal

4. Plate dowel

5. Clamp

6. Instructional materials

7. Outer decorative and protective layer (cladding)

- Can be used in all types of buildings without height restrictions.

- Increased bending strength due to the special orientation of the fibers.

- High level of thermal insulation due to low thermal conductivity.

- Non-combustible material (NG)

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