
Mapeplast N10 / 25 კგ
Mapeplast N10 / 25 კგ
Mapeplast N10 / 25 კგ
# 390003

Mapeplast N10 / 25 კგ

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Mapeplast N10 is a water solution of active polymers which disperse cement granules with the secondary effect to improv... See more

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Mapeplast N10 is a water solution of
 active polymers which disperse cement granules with the secondary effect to improve the cohesion and the pumpability of concrete.


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Product is in stock
Price 195.00o 170.00o
Delivery time: 3-5 working days

WHERE TO USE Mapeplast N10 is recommended for concrete with
medium compressive strength (R 20-30 MPa). Mapeplast N10 is especially recommended for applications which require a retarded rate of cement hydration at early ages. Its principal uses are for:▪  ready-mixed concrete (especially in hot weather);▪  pumped concrete;▪  mass concrete. Some application examples In addition to its plasticising effect, Mapeplast N10 has a slight retarding action on the hydration of cement and is therefore especially recommended for:▪  ready-mixed quality concrete for structures with a compressive strength higher than 20 MPa;▪  ready-mixed concrete for watertight structures (with a water/cement ratio no higher than 0.55): purication plants, reservoirs, canals, tunnels, etc;▪  mass concrete structures where it is necessary to reduce thermal peaks caused by the heat generated in cement hydration: dams, foundations-mats for high-rise buildings, etc.

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