
Silicone Acrylic Sealant (Black) - Acryrub Silikioniza Mastik/Black/500/30/72
# 417564

Silicone Acrylic Sealant (Black) - Acryrub Silikioniza Mastik/Black/500/30/72

Silicone Acrylic Sealant (Black)

Silicone Acrylic Sealant (Black)

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Product is in stock
Price 6.50o
Delivery time: 3-5 working days

one-component, silicone-based acrylic sealant. Elastic, waterproof, retains its color. It is possible to paint. It is used to fill cracks in internal works.

Packing: 500 ml.

For internal use

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