
12 Oct. 2023

Representative visit to the PERI plant in Germany

Representatives of Citadelш's construction and development partner companies visited the PERI plant in Ulm, Germany.

"Opizari", "New Force Construction", "Foris Development", "Apex Development", "Coloss", "Grada", "Green Space" - representatives of the above mentioned companies inspected the whole PERI range in Germany and visited the material production process.

The main part of the business visit took place at the PERI plant, where the visitors familiarized themselves with the specifics of formwork and construction materials.

"We familiarized ourselves with the quality German PERI production systems, in my opinion they are quite high quality and modern materials, which are very beneficial for the construction sector in the long term. I would choose ALPHADEK PERI formwork system, the functional characteristics of which greatly simplify the construction process," said Nikoloz Tsurtsumia, founder of Сoloss Company.

Vladimir Robakidze, founder of Apex Development, shared his assessment of the visit: "Visits of this kind are very important, as they give us an opportunity to get better acquainted with construction materials. My attention was attracted by the new products, formwork systems designed for beams".

We would like to remind that the official representative of PERI in Georgia is Citadeli company, which on a regular basis carries out similar visits for partner companies.